Jan 16, 2009


“yeah, i'm sure its not raining there. and the taliban put down their ak's and homemade bombs and started farming again. :-)”

I found this last little line on my brother’s email this morning quite funny! (He’s currently in the Middle East) I had received an email earlier in the week telling me to be careful because there are news reports of flooding occurring in Mozambique. In my "p.s." response I briefly stated not to worry, it’s not even raining! (Tis the truth, Andrew!!! :-)) It’s not raining. And there are no floods. Whoever is showing that footage is LYING! I am here. It is dry and hot!

There are no floods this year. At least not yet. There are predictions that some may occur in early February, but only in very lowland areas that flood with normal rainfall. I find it a bit funny that the year I spend abroad working on an emergency response program there is no emergency. I’m blaming this on my mother’s diligent prayers. :-) Not that I want the floods for these people – I don’t. A girl just needs a little excitement sometimes. It’s getting a little boring over here. :-)

p.s. - think I just jinxed it?!

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