I step outside and instantly I have sweat pooling down my face. I’ve never experienced anything like it. You’re entire body is wet and dripping within minutes; as if you just took a shower and stepped outside without toweling off. It doesn’t matter what you wear. It is sooooo hot here! And humid. Very very humid. Imagine being at the beach on a very hot summer day, with no shade and no breeze and no water. Its kinda like that. Only much much hotter!
I am told November and December are the hottest months. Once the rains come it begins to cool down. I’m torn on my desire for the rains. Half of the country is in a drought and in desperate need of the rains. The hunger season has begun and is likely to be long due to the lack of rain. However, if it does rain, there is a high likelihood of devastating floods and another humanitarian disaster in the north. So I can’t decide if I want it to rain or not.
I need to remember to put on sunscreen before I leave for work in the mornings. Last week I got burnt in the 10 minutes it took me to walk to the office!
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