Aug 2, 2008

reasons why

There are many little reasons why I love Africa. Today as I was walking down the street on my lunch break a woman stepped out in front of me. She was tall and lean. Wearing a bright colored skirt and worn-out flip flops. On her head was a crate filled with Coca-cola bottles. She walked with ease and kept with my pace. I followed her for three blocks before I passed to turn, and noticed she was also talking on her mobile! As if it wasn’t enough to try and balance the large crate of glass bottles filled with liquid on her head. She had one hand up holding her phone as well. :-)


Anonymous said...

Hey Kristi!
I forgot I had bookmarked your site! It actually sounds like fun to wash your feet in the sink...although I'm sure it will get old. We are heading up to my family reunion near Brainerd tomorrow. Jenna will get to sleep in a tent for the first time!! We went to the doctor today to check on her a week and a half we have to take her to Children's and have an ultrasound and catheter/x-ray done to make sure she doesn't have reflux in her kidneys or any other problems. Hopefully not. Enjoy your weekend!! You do get weekends off don't you??

Rachel said...

One of my favorite things to do is sit on a kitchen counter with my feet in the sink. I don't really know why.

Kristi!!! Hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!